Kolejny odczyt w ramach seminarium Znak-Język-Rzeczywistość (12 grudnia): What’s left of rigidity?
Kolejny odczyt seminarium ZJR odbędzie się:
Czwartek, 12 grudnia 2024, 17.00
Nikhil Mahant
(Uppsala University)
wygłosi odczyt:
What’s left of rigidity?
I will argue that given some plausible assumptions about natural language and
philosophical methodology, the following theses about names cannot be true
together: (a) the same (‘proper’) name can be borne by distinct
objects/individuals, and (b) names of natural language are (de jure) rigid
designators but definite descriptions are not. The main assumptions that my
argument appeals to are: (i) fragments of language (e.g., names) do not
themselves refer, but can be used to refer, and (ii) every assumption involved
in assessing whether names are (or are not) rigid designators must be preserved
in the corresponding assessment for definite descriptions.
Seminarium odbędzie się online, aby dołączyć do spotkania, prosimy o
skorzystanie z poniższych informacji:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 1604 4372
Passcode: 697648
Strona seminarium (z orientacyjną listą spotkań):
Spotkanie otwiera się o 16:45, a wykład rozpoczyna się o 17:00.
Prezentacja będzie nagrywana.
The next meeting of the Sign-Language-Reality seminar in the academic
year 2024/25 will take place:
Thursday, the 12th of December 2024, 17.00, Central European Time
Nikhil Mahant
(Uppsala University)
will deliver a talk:
What’s left of rigidity?
I will argue that given some plausible assumptions about natural language and
philosophical methodology, the following theses about names cannot be true
together: (a) the same (‘proper’) name can be borne by distinct
objects/individuals, and (b) names of natural language are (de jure) rigid
designators but definite descriptions are not. The main assumptions that my
argument appeals to are: (i) fragments of language (e.g., names) do not
themselves refer, but can be used to refer, and (ii) every assumption involved
in assessing whether names are (or are not) rigid designators must be preserved
in the corresponding assessment for definite descriptions.
The seminar will be held online, to join the meeting, please use the
information below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 1604 4372
Passcode: 697648
Seminar website (with a tentative list of meetings):
The meeting opens at 4:45 pm, the talk starts at 5 pm.
The presentation shall be recorded.