Michael Löwy ,”Beyond ‘development’: ecosocialist degrowth”, 22nd April 2023, 3 p.m. CEST, online

We invite you to participate in a seminar „Philosophy and Social Movements”. The seminar guest will be Professor Michael Löwy who will deliver a talk „Beyond ‘development’: ecosocialist degrowth”.

Michael Löwy, born in Brazil, lives in Paris. He is the Emerit Research Director at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), Paris. His books and articles have been translated into 29 languages. His main publications include: “Georg Lukács : From Romanticism to Bolchevism”, Verso, 1981; “Romanticism against the current of modernity” (with Robert Sayre), Duke, Duke University Press, 2001; “Fire Alarm. Reading Walter Benjamin’s ‘On the concept of history ‘”, London, Verso, 2005; “The Theory of Revolution of the Young Marx”, Chicago, Haymarket, 2005.

The seminar will be held 22nd April 2023 (Saturday) at 3 p.m. CEST.
Registration link: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqf-isrDwtGdD7gWolbsp53N8Gp7AwaY_C

The seminar is organized within a scope of the project “Ideas of progress and development in the context of climate crisis in peripheral philosophies in XXI century” – National Science Centre, Poland, Opus 22, grant no 2021/43/B/HS1/03354 – realized at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw, and in the collaboration with “Le Monde diplomatique – edycja polska”, Foundation Instytut Wydawniczy „Książka i Prasa” and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

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