Webinar o dydaktyce w SLW (18.12.2024)

Serdecznie zapraszamy na webinar “Philosophical Education in the Lvov-Warsaw School”, organizowany przez redakcję czasopisma “Edukacja Filozoficzna” i redaktorów tomu o dydaktyce w SLW. Odbędzie się on w środę 18 grudnia o 17.00. Aby otrzymać link do spotkania, należy zgłosić chęć udziału na adres: edukacjafilozoficzna@uw.edu.pl (poniżej zaproszenie ze szczegółami).

Oto zaproszenie ze szczegółami:

The Editorial Team is pleased to invite you to the webinar of “Philosophical Education” journal inaugurating the series of online meetings that will serve to present the upcoming issues and some of the particular articles to the wider public.

The first webinar will be devoted to the upcoming thematic issue analyzing the topic of philosophical education in the famous Lvov-Warsaw Philosophical School.

The meeting will be divided into three parts. In the first one, prof. Anna Brożek will introduce the topic as an issue editor, explaining both the importance of Lvov-Warsaw School in the history of Polish philosophy and philosophical education. Then, mgr Ewelina Grądzka will present her article The Historical, Pedagogical and Philosophical Background of Kazimierz Twardowski’s Project for Teaching the Philosophical Propaedeutic written together with prof. Paweł Polak and submitted for the issue. Finally, mgr Aleksandra Gomułczak will describe the thesis and argumentation of her text Ingarden’s Criticism of Twardowski’s Philosophical Program and the Reception of Phenomenology in the Lvov-Warsaw School.

The authors and editors will happily answer the questions of the participants and engage in discussion concerning Lvov-Warsaw School.

The webinar will take place on 18 th December, 17:00 CET – the submissions for participation in the webinar are to be sent via email at edukacjafilozoficzna@uw.edu.pl.

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